Peter is a highly sought-after thought-leader in community and social change work. Combining a long history of domestic and international practice, along with a rich academic life, Peter brings practice wisdom and rigour to organisational efforts and effectiveness.
Peter is currently:
Director/consultant at Community Praxis Co-op;
P/T practitioner at Hummingbird House;
Co-Director of Three Rivers Initiative;
P/T Associate Professor, Murdoch University, and,
Visiting Professor, University of the Free State, South Africa.
Peter has worked in youth, community and organisation development for 30+ years, within places such as South Africa, Uganda, Vanuatu, PNG, Nepal the Philippines and Australia.
He has published 15 books, and 55+ professional journal articles, his most well known being monographs such as Dialogical Community Development (2013), Soul, Community and Social Change (2016), and The Sociality of Refugee Healing (2009).
Peter's work is informed by reflective social practice, story, and theory. He has a love of both critical theory as a way of reflecting on the forces that shape the world and our work, and also phenomenological inquiry, ensuring embodied consciousness is foregrounded in practice, learning and research. Moving from the empirical (what ‘is’ happening), to the critical (what ‘should be’ happening) to the constructivist (what ‘could be’ happening), Peter enjoys fostering circles of dialogue among and between residents, practitioners, scholars and policy-makers.
Peter is currently based in Maleny, Queensland, Australia.